About Us

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Know about us

About AIMS

Alliance Institute of Management Services (AIMS) primarily focuses on three di- mensions; HR Solutions, Human Capacity Development, Consulting & Research on managerial, economic and financial field. The services we provide fall into broad categories of training facilities to individuals, corporate houses and non-prof- it organizations; temporary staffing, permanent placement as well as outsourc- ing, consulting on various management discipline; career counseling, career guid- ance to individuals; and research on the field of human resource management, finance, banking, general management, marketing and other managerial field.

The essence of establishment of AIMS can be explained in two different views. On the one hand, it is undeniable that many Nepalese organization’s management practices are largely traditional. Due to lack of the proper enterprise system de- sign, many organizations fail to achieve their objective efficiently and effective- ly. Similarly, they lack skilled human resources. Even they develop the human resource after recruiting, they fails to retain the human capacity for the longer pe- riod. On the other hand, in Nepal getting job is quite difficult for the individuals. After completion the college level they find getting job according to their academ- ic level is quite difficult. They lack the proper career guidance and skills. In nut- shell, there is ‘skill gap’ that hinder the growth and sustainability of an organization. ‘AIMS’ helps to eliminate the skill gap by providing effective training and de- velopment programs using the cutting edge technology and methodology like real case studies, role playing, management games, seminars & workshop, sim- ulation and many more. We provide training and development programs af- ter assessments of needs, that will be followed by content designing, selecting trainees and training methods, administer training and evaluation of training.


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Our Vision

To be the first choice in the HR solutions and management consulting services among the career aspirants and profit & non-profit organizations.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide hard skill and soft skill to the career aspirants, need to develop their career and to or- ganizations providing better consulting in the managerial field and needful training to their staffs to achieve their objectives effectively and efficiently using the innovative tools and cutting edge technology. We commit high stan- dards of integrity in contributing to the best interests of individuals, corporate houses, non-profit organizations and our employees and grow ourselves based on the continued pursuit of excellence.

Why Choose Us

Reason For Choosing Us

Experienced Trainers

Rich industry specific experienced, proven and academically sound trainers

Superior Quality

Superior quality of training using cutting edge technology and methodology

Personalized Service

Our courses are highly customizable and also assist for lodging fooding & sight seeing for international clients